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Offers on Car Batteries

Need A Battery Fitted Fast While You Wait? You're In The Right Place!


We offer Car Batteries From £30 

  • £15.00 Car battery Fitting service at All Our Shops for the Majority of Cars, in Birmingham & Belfast

Can't come to us? no problem we offer a 'Mobile Fitting Service', the cost is £60.00 within a 6 mile radius of the shop location. 

Cost £20.00 Charge for Battery Fitting Transit Van Battery underseat

Cost £25.00 Charge for Battery Fiitting Large 4x4 Audi Q7, Range Rover, etc..

Our Prices include the following:

  • Free Battery, Alternator and Starter Testing
  • If your Existing Battery is OK we will let you know, provide a report at No Extra Cost 
  • 3 Year Guarantee on your Car Battery
  • All taxi's 2 Years Gauarantee 
  • We offer a Jumper Start call out service FEE £60:00 within a 6 miles radius

One of the most common causes of a car breaking down, according to the AA, is its battery. During the winter, the number of cars which stop working because of such increases considerably but this problem can be avoided altogether when proper maintenance is carried out.

Here is why a car battery can stop working:

  • A battery doesn’t charge when a vehicle is stationery, especially when you are driving
  • A battery is expected to do more during the winter, such as operating window wipers when it is raining. It will also provide a car with adequate heating
  • When a battery’s power output drops considerably.

When choosing Battery World to install a car battery, it will be fitted securely where its clamps and connections won’t cause any rust. Advice can also be given about how to maintain a battery so that it stays in very good condition even during poor weather conditions.

As soon as a vehicle starts to indicate that its battery needs replacing, its owner should contact Battery World. By calling us as soon as issues arise, they can be resolved. In fact, you won’t have to wait until a battery is completely dead and you’re stranded by the side of a road.

Other problems can happen with a battery, such as if it cannot charge sufficiently or it is being overloaded. Consequently, a battery can stop working at a moment’s notice. In order to place as little stress as possible on a battery, turn off all electrics when a vehicle is parked. 

So take the first step and Just drop into store now, NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED. It couldn't be easier!  


From 1st June 2021 Birmingham will introduce the new Clean Air Zone for driving into the city centre. A charge of £8 will be added onto the call out cost if you leave within the city centre.